Welcome to the Wayne G. Basler Library at Northeast State Community College
The Reference Librarian, located at the Information and Reference Desk on the third floor of the Library, strives to provide prompt and courteous service to all library users. If you need help finding books and materials, researching a paper or assignment, citing your sources, using the online databases, or any other type of information, please speak to the Librarian at the desk.
If we can assist you by telephone, please call 423.354.2429.
You can also reach us by email at libmail@northeaststate.libanswers.com or use our Ask-A-Librarian chat/email service
In support of Northeast State's educational goals, we offer Library instruction to classes to assist students in becoming more proficient in their use of the Library and its resources.
We can instruct classes on how to find information from a variety of sources in the Library including the Online Databases and Library Catalog. We can conduct this instruction in the library or we will come to the classroom. We also do Zoom sessions. Librarians will teach classes on any campus where you teach. We are dedicated to the concept of the lifelong learner and provide classes, literature, and instructional programs to enhance the learning process.
Instructors must schedule Library instruction one week in advance indicating specific time, type of instruction requested, and the number of students in the class.
To schedule a session please call the library at 423.354.2429 (ext. 3429) or email us at libmail@northeaststate.edu.
In addition to in-person or Zoom instruction, the Library also offers video tutorials that you can embed into your class in D2L. To request tutorials you can place in your class in D2L, please email aslippo@northeaststate.edu or call 423.354.5242 (ext. 5242).