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Online Databases

What is a Database?

A Database is a searchable collection of information sources, such as articles, books, and videos. Through the library, you have access to several databases to find information for school or personal uses.   


Why should I use a Database instead of Google?

It's true - you can find an amazing amount of information using Google.  You can also find an amazing amount of garbage, much of which masquerades as reliable and authoritative when it is anything but.  To find the kind of scholarly resources you need for many college projects, you may have to wade through thousands of results to weed out the bad, irrelevant, and inappropriate ones.  And even then, you may find that what you need is not available for free.


More high-quality, reliable sources.

The databases gather articles from reputable sources such as journals, trade publications, magazines, newspapers, and reference books.  College coursework requires high-quality information sources.  Scholarly articles and research are a means for scholars and experts to communicate what they do and learn to others who are interested in the subject.  The publishing process serves to ensure the quality of information.


More accurate results from searches.

There are ways to create your searches in databases that will lead to much more accurate results than what you can achieve in an Internet search engine such as Google.  (For more information, see the sections on crafting your search and on the different databases.)  This saves you valuable time that you can use for reading, writing your papers, shopping, playing video games, etc.!


 Most of the content in the databases is NOT available free of charge on the Internet.

While you can often find articles through an Internet search, access is blocked until you pay.  A single article from a reputable journal costs an individual purchaser in the neighborhood of $35.  As a student at Northeast State, you have access to the articles in the databases through the library.  Not only will you have the type of sources your teachers require, but you won't have to pay anything for them.


Access anytime, anywhere with an Internet connection.

To top it all off, you can get into the databases at a time and place that works for you.  Using your D2L username and 6-digit birthdate, students can log in to use the databases at any time, from any computer or device with an Internet connection.  (Faculty and staff use the same username and password you use for email.)  While we would love to see you at the library as often as possible, we realize that your schedule may mean that you have to do most of your research when we aren't open.  And, with the databases, you can.  You have access to the articles and eBooks where you are, when you need them.