There are numerous ways you can get help from your friendly librarians.
The Librarians, pictured below, are: Amy Baghetti, Amy Lippo, Kyle DeBell, and Michelle Wyatt.
The Circulation staff will help you with checking out materials and general questions you might have. They can also help you get materials from other libraries if we don't have what you need.
Pictured below, they are: Dawn Kraft, Andrew Wade, Cherie Cooper, Zodie Dempsey, and Laura Campbell.
The staff at KCHE can help you with general questions, computers, some research and citation, and checking materials out. They can also help you get materials from the Blountville campus and other libraries if we don't have what you need.
Visit them on the third floor of the KCHE building or call 423.354.5537.
Pictured below, they are Zodie Dempsey and Laura Campbell.
The Writing Center [TWC] is located on the first floor of the Library in room L101. Writing center staff will be available to help with your essays, research, and more.
At the Writing Center, they can help with any writing assignment for any class at any stage in the process. That means they can help you: